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- 1 min
I Am Love
I need love I breathe love I give love I live love I take love I make love I can love I AM love
- 1 min
To The Core
Don’t love with the eye, for beauty soon fades Don’t love for the passionate rush of love made Don’t love for possessions you’ll soon be...
- 1 min
She Creates
Piercing her heart, she Bleeds on the page, Crimson notes comprised Of passion and rage. Drained by her art, and Yet she persists. If she...
- 1 min
Given A Chance
Given a chance, a bud of hope will bloom, As do all living things when given room. Given a chance, a friendship can grow When you open...
- 1 min
Heart and Mind
I've got a glass half full heart And a glass half empty mind. The struggle is real But worth it, most times.
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